Ambition Falling 

by Dunya Dianne McPherson Every autumn, I spend three solitary weeks at Ravenrock because—this is my incapacity—I feel my depth best when ‘worldly’ cacophony is diminished. The most sensitive dimension of self /non-self eludes me unless I’m away from wifi, news, traffic, etc. Here is one of my Solitude Writings. Night  Rain It began raining [...]

It’s a Barn Raisin’!

Here's the story of how the Barn at Ravenrock in NM went up in one week in September 2011. Night Before If you've never seen a barn raising, let me tell you it is a thrilling process--from nothing to something in five days. The Wilson Pole Barn Construction out of Wagoner, OK did the Ravenrock Barn. [...]


I draw inner comparisons between those solitudes and the current quarantine. I seem to have plenty of capacity with sequestration. The prior episodes have made this one seem like a piece of cake.