Summer Practice 2021

The shape of exhaustion is different from other times in my life but once I saw it, felt that leaden sequence of a flickering impulse to do a thing followed by absolutely no reserve with which to do it. Though over a lifetime I have cultivated self-care, the way the world leans on us changes and we don’t often see that we need such care.

Communion of Beings

I couldn’t grasp this spark of information that immediately bypassed my head to lodge in my heart, beginning its long, leisurely, shimmering unfolding.


These words are not about skin conditions and illnesses, but about how the depth of a meditation removed me from a collective anxiety that had been rendering my behavioral defenses porous and inadequate.


I draw inner comparisons between those solitudes and the current quarantine. I seem to have plenty of capacity with sequestration. The prior episodes have made this one seem like a piece of cake.